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A.N.D. Pcounter

Comprehensive printer accounting and management suite
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Pcounter from A.N.D. Technologies is a cost control and tracking software solution that also includes secure print capabilities when matched with Xerox EIP-enabled MFPs. Pcounter is highly scalable and can be easily integrated into your IT infrastructure.

Trial Download
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Key Features

  • Track and log how printers and copiers are being used and by whom
  • Accounting by user, department, client code or device
  • Quota management for education, so a given credit can be allocated to students
  • ePayment so students can reload their Pcounter account online
  • Rules based printing so print behavior can be managed (who can do what on which device)
  • Reporting and history can be saved as HTML, CSV, or formatted text and can be directly launched into Excel or web browsers, and can be sent by email
  • Client and projectbilling, with support for client and sub-code (2 level billing)
  • Scalability making it possible to use Pcounter in small offices or businesses with multiple locations
  • Integration with 3rd party databases such as ERP systems and support for current IT infrastructure
  • Extensible Interface Platform-capable Xerox devices enable these Pcounter features:
    • Secure print allows users to release their print jobs securely at any EIP-enabled device
    • Control of user ID and quotes before access to device
    • Track and log all activity on the device
    • Project/client code can be typed in on the Xerox MFP's user interface
    • No additional hardware is needed because user ID and billing code entries are made directly on the Xerox MFP's user interface

Your Challenges

Knowing your cost to print and copy is the first step to controlling it. You know how much your travel budget is and how to control it, and the same should apply to your (potentially larger) copy and print costs. It's critical to know where the money is spent today so you can control these costs in the future.

Key Challenges

  • Wasting resources due to ineffective printing and copying
  • Knowledge about your current cost of document management
  • Awareness of how much you spend on printing
  • Using color where it's not needed
  • Optimizing the use of your existing devices
  • Recovering cost wherever possible (Client Billing or Academic)
  • Increasing productivity by printing at the most appropriate device
  • Minimizing cost with rules-based printing, such as auto delete of duplicates
  • Security so jobs only are released and picked up by the owner

How Xerox Can Help

A Pcounter solution helps you gain control of your print cost and optimize the use of your entire printer and copier fleet. Embedded software solutions developed for Xerox devices makes it possible to release print jobs, type in client codes, User ID, credit validation, and more on the Xerox MFP's user interface.

  • Increase security by letting users identify themselves at the MFP with their access/security card or network ID
  • Increase productivity by letting users release print from the nearest printer which are not in use or down for service
  • Cost recovery by user, department, or client
  • Save money (up to 30%) by optimizing the use of your current printer fleet
  • Minimize cost with rules-based printing, such as auto delete of duplicates
  • Secure printing via Xerox EIP-enabled MFPs or hardware terminal

Why Choose Xerox?

  • Pcounter is a fully integrated solution for Xerox products
  • Knowledge and experience delivering solutions to businesses of any size
  • One point of contact for hardware and software
