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Xerox® IT Services

IT Education Webinar Series: Ransomware Vulnerabilities: 5 Things Every IT Leader Needs to Know Now

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Ransomware Vulnerabilities and the Top Trends IT Leaders Need to Know

Join us for this free 30-minute on-demand webinar.

Ransomware is one of the biggest threats facing IT leaders today. Attacks can be very expensive in terms of dollars AND reputational costs. Many choose to ignore the problem, taking a wait-and-see approach. That’s now a REAL risk. With a smart, proactive approach, you can do things that will help prevent attacks now, as well as prepare for when (not if) an attack happens later.

Join Dr. Eric Cole, former Cybersecurity Commission member for the Obama Administration and renowned security author, and Xerox® IT Services to address the most critical ransomware trends and topics today.

Hot Topics IT Leaders Need to Know:

  • What makes IT departments like yours vulnerable to ransomware attacks?

  • What can be done to prevent them and keep bad actors from coming back?

  • How do you know if you’ve already been infected?

We'll arm you with five things you can do to protect and guard against ransomware vulnerabilities now. You’ll learn that your firewall is NOT enough, that detection is key, and “it’s not a matter if you will be attacked, but rather when”.

Eric Cole Webinar Speaker

Speaker Highlight:

Dr. Eric Cole: former Cybersecurity Commission member for the Obama Administration and renowned security author.

Register today

Join us for this free 30-minute webinar.

Thank you for registering for Ransomware Vulnerabilities: 5 Things Every IT Leader Needs to Know Now. We are excited to share with you some of our best practices. Please check your email for a link to the webinar.

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Spot – and stop – today’s biggest security threats.

Boost your knowledge and fortify your preventative measures now by learning about today’s biggest small business security threats and the solid solutions to shut them down.

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