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Students talking outdoors in winter clothes

Devoting More Time and Resources to Students with Xerox® DocuShare®

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Tulane University needed to optimize its document processes so employees could spend less time each day managing information. Read the case study to see how Xerox® DocuShare® helped.

With Xerox® DocuShare®, the university was able to digitize and automate its Accounts Payable and Academic Advising departments.

Read the case study


  • 1,500 to 2,000 sets of documents are scanned and archived by Accounts Payable each week

  • 60% of Accounts Payable form processing will be automated within two years

  • $80,000 in savings compared to the university’s previous solution

  • Instant access to stored information for staff and external auditors

  • Advisors spend less time managing information and more time fostering student relationships

  • 600,000 to 1,000,000 pages will be digitized by Academic Advising by the conclusion of the implementation

See how Xerox® DocuShare® can help your organization manage your content and processes more effectively.

Businessman using a tablet and laptop

Gestion du contenu d'entreprise

Gérez le contenu de façon efficace et abordable avec DocuShare Flex de Xerox, une solution SaaS CMS qui prévoit des processus numériques de bout en bout

Information sur la gestion du contenu d’entreprise

Explorez les documents PDF, les vidéos, les infographies et bien plus sur le sujet.

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