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Classroom management. Lesson planning. Attendance keeping.

Your to-do list is never-ending. It's amazing there is time to teach at all.

There's a better way to get everything done.

We work hard so you can work smarter. So that education can be more productive, less stressful, offer a better experience for all—from the teacher to the student and everyone in between.

So, we partnered with THE Journal—one of the leading sources of information on the use of technology in the K-12 sector—to find out how new tools are helping educators stay focused on their most important tasks.

It’s helped provide us with an even better understanding of some of the challenges facing the education sector, like:

  • 56% of school IT leaders are too short-staffed to support the use of classroom technology.

  • 45% of schools don't have the resources to implement an effective digital roadmap.

The good news is that there are ways we can help you overcome these challenges and help you unlock results, like:

  • Saving an average of $50,000 per year on printing costs by moving to digital workflows.

  • Making more time available for teaching and boosting staff productivity by 14%.

We are firm believers that every school should enjoy the advantages of technology.

The eBook created in partnership with THE Journal, is packed full of actionable advice on embracing transformation and progressing with confidence, so that you can discover a better way.

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