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We won’t make the day go any quicker. It’ll just seem that way.

How much time do you spend doing things that keep you from your actual job? Probably too much.

Is there a better way of working? Absolutely.

Automating slow, manual tasks like paperwork can free up valuable time, so you and your team can get on with what you’re paid to do. The same tech can also simplify customer service—increasing satisfaction rates, improving sales, and building loyalty.

One of the many legacies of the COVID-19 era is the speed at which organizations adopted digital technologies. Initially, it was a way of keeping a business going. But the advantages of flexible working soon caught on, and now investment in digital transformation shows little sign of letting up.

Research from the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) found that 28% of mid-sized organizations started between seven and 10 digital transformation initiatives over the past two years.

In a white paper titled How Digital Transformation Works in and for Midmarket Organizations, the ESG examined the priorities and pressures helping shape digital investment decisions in this vital part of the global economy. Using digital tools to simplify processes is one key area, with 58% of midmarket organizations saying that ‘improving digital experience’ is among their top five priorities.

The white paper also looks at how digital transformation can bring about lasting, positive change in your organization—from strengthening your cybersecurity defenses to creating stand-out customer experiences.

Busy office with a Xerox VersaLink C505 MFP

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Découvrez les imprimantes multifonctions rentables pour les PME. Tous les solutions GED de Xerox conçues pour faire croître les petites et moyennes entreprises.

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